The Weight of Injustice

Antarctica, Anxiety, BLACK LIVES MATTER, Education, faith, love, Mental Health, worldview

I did not come back to Nebraska from Antarctica for this foolishness.

But since I’m here, I choose to lift my voice. What we are feeling right now is the weight of injustice.

The weight of injustice is so heavy that it snatches lives. It suffocates them. It crushes them. It annihilates them. And then–and then it expects witnesses to walk away like nothing even happened.

The weight of injustice prioritizes property and possessions over people.

The weight of injustice works relentlessly to drown out the wails of the innocent with the whispers of the entitled.

The weight of injustice is so heavy, that it leans its weight into minds and convinces people that wrong is right and right is wrong.

To think that there are no complexities in our complexions is a completely ignorant stance. The lives of Black people are so valuable that cities shut down, curfews are created, stores are closed early, and the National Guard is activated. Why? Because Black lives matter that much. Covid-19 restrictions pale in comparison to the mandates that are currently being constructed and created because of how much Black lives matter.

Monuments can be reconstructed, but lives can never be resurrected.

And while I wish all ignorance, stupidity, and bigotry could be wiped away with a swipe and delete, it can’t. It’s not that simple. And being in a TWO parent home never saved me from ONE racist.

The weight of injustice begs us to lift every voice and SCREAM.

SCREAM for what is right. SCREAM for what is just. SCREAM for what is holy. And what is holy is a life–a human being. My four year old niece SCREAMED “He’s a human!” when she looked at my sister’s phone and saw George Floyd, a Black man, being crushed by a White man who was assigned to protect and serve.

The weight of injustice reminds us that these passionate moves leave permanent marks. And the mark that was made against George Floyd and most recently in Nebraska, James Scurlock, is a mark that will never fade.

So where do we go from here? Well, we must lose the weight. We must drop it. We must repent. We must kneel. We must surrender. And by WE, I mean White executives, White educators, White enforcers, White evangelicals, White editors, White elected officials, White environmentalists, White electricians, White engineers, White evangelists, Whites entitled, Whites entirely, and of course, the rest of us too.

A race war truly isn’t necessary. Repentance is. Justice is.

Our hearts must break with what breaks God’s heart.

Conviction can convert a racist to rally together for justice.

Conviction can turn a bigot into a brother.

It can turn an adversary into an ally.

And that–THAT is the power of the Holy Ghost. It can convict, change, and transform hearts. And for the record, Jesus wasn’t about weak stuff. He dealt with the tough stuff–and mastered it.

So we, too, have something to master: our hearts and homes must get right.

People are suffering right now from a viral disease. We have medical professionals and first responders continuing to help those desperately trying to survive. The painful irony is that those suffering with COVID-19 are also saying, “I CAN’T BREATHE.”

Perhaps if we choose to come together as a human race, the weight of injustice will be no more. Perhaps I’m dreaming. But maybe, just maybe YOU PEOPLE will be the ones who change the world for the good.

A Single Thought

adventure, Africa, Antarctica, Anxiety, Art, beauty, Big Chop, courage, Depression, Education, explore, faith, family, Foreign Language, Hair, Health, Health, wellness,, Uncategorized

“I’m so lonely. You just don’t understand.”

I read this quite often online. And of course I hear it in person.

I hear ya.

I also understand now, even more, why scripture encourages singles to be concerned about the needs of the church. There are countless needs in the church that need the support of those who don’t have the obligations of a spouse or even children.

If I were not single, what I’m currently doing would potentially be drastically limited. Being single allows you the opportunity to focus on all of the gifts that God gave you and maximize your time.

Are all of your dreams fulfilled that God placed in you? Surely busyness isn’t the cure for loneliness, but meditating on lack doesn’t bring glory to God.

Don’t get me wrong, I certainly appreciate the company and physical presence of a man. Lord knows! But even since Ma’s passing, I’ve gotten to go back to my normal pace/cadence/rhythm. It’s been a joy to activate so many of the visions and dreams I’ve been building up during the last two years of caring for her.

Take one SINGLE minute and celebrate this time and ask God to breathe on it like never before and to teach you how to responsibly steward your time as a single individual.

Questions to ask:

How can I serve a married couple today?

How can I serve a single person today?

What elderly person needs help?

Is there a child I should be mentoring?

Who can I train with my skills?

Is there anyone who could benefit from my strength or wisdom today?

Does someone need help moving?

Can I help someone with their end of the year tasks?

Does someone need help with holiday shopping?

Who can I be poured into today?

Am I legalistic?

Am I judgmental?

Am I full of grace and seasoned with salt?

Do I know how to talk to people?

Am I a good listener?

Are there any widows who need company?

Have I visited cancer waiting rooms lately and passed out hats for those losing their hair?

Do I know anyone in the hospital who needs to be visited?

Is anyone hungry?

Can I host a cooking class?

Is there another single person who needs company this holiday?

How can I host events to bring more singles together?

Should I consider hosting a Bible study or movie night in my home?

Do I frequent coffee shops or universities with lots of traffic and new people?

Do I visit the same places and keep the same routines?

Have I finished writing my first book or blog?

What keeps me humble?

What makes me feel haughty?

Do I think that I’ve arrived?

Who am I helping?

Am I getting counseling regularly?

Am I physically fit?

Am I emotionally fit?

Am I spiritually fit?

Is my soul well?

Is my home clean?

Am I a hoarder?

Am I being mentored and coached?

Do I work out regularly?

Who do I meet at the gym?

How is my appetite?

Am I overweight or underweight?

Do I regularly talk to people online and in person?

Am I am extrovert? How can I use my gifts as an extrovert?

Am I an introvert? How can I use my gifts as an introvert?

Is there anyone grieving who just needs to talk?

How many languages do I know?

Am I fluent in at least three languages?

Do I have a passport?

When will I use my passport again?

Do I use all modes of transportation at least once annually?

Does a girl need help taking out her braids?

Does a guy need his hair cut?

Am I good with my hands?

Can I fix cars?

And I good with computers?

Can I do makeup?

Can I make jewelry?

What I can do with my hands that will bring me more income?

When you’ve addressed a few of these questions, you’ll find plenty of things to take your mind off of the absence of a mate. Again, these elements are not to DISTRACT you from that fact that you are single, but to ATTRACT you to fulfilling your purpose and responsibly stewarding your time.

P. S. Visit to snag my eBook on how I planned for Antarctica called, “7 Steps to the 7th Continent.” It’s available in English and Arabic. 💋


P. S. S. God’s design for us doesn’t always include a significant other, but God’s design always includes a significant purpose. 💫

Full Audience, Where’s the Artist?


CL🙈SE your EYES and picture this:

The seats in the auditorium are full.

It’s jam packed.

People are whispering and waiting—

in great anticipation for the show to


There’s only one thing:

They’re waiting for YOU.

Each day, an audience sits


to HEAR from YOU.

Waiting to read YOUR original work,

to SEE your paintings,

to HEAR your voice,

to WATCH you dance,

and choreograph,

and LEAP,

and LIFT weights,

and RUN fast,

and COOK diligently,

and TRAIN passionately.

They’re waiting.

They’re watching

to see





the stage.

NOW is the time to SHARE like never before.

What are YOU waiting for? We NEED you.


#Isaiah43v19 #iWillDoANewThing

📸: Terrence Tryon

👘: Kinesha Johnson-Roach

PA: Karieta Walker

P. S. Before you were born, God knew the earth needed you. The earth NEEDED you and what YOU bring. Don’t ever discount WHAT you have and WHO you are. You were handpicked to make a difference in the EARTH.

I Cut My Hair

beauty, Big Chop, courage, Hair, natural hair, Uncategorized

Yes, I C✂️T my hair.

👉🏿FOUR years ago!

Sorry, y’all. But I did cut it!

Here’s the story: Four years ago it was Christmas 2014 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I began taking out my waist-length Beyoncé braids and finally had enough. I got my scissors and made a decision. This hair was about to be GONE.

In 2011 I did the same thing. I texted my sisters saying, “Y’all, I just took craft scissors and cut my hair.” They didn’t believe me. I sent them a pic and they all called me simultaneously.

Best. Decision. Ever. For my hair.

It gave me a clean slate. Fast forward to December 2014, Christmas Day. I clearly felt loaded with emotions of missing home and that I graded papers at King Saud University most of the day.

Needless to say, my spirit lacked JOY. In a non-emotionally-sober moment, I snipped. And snipped. And the next thing I knew, it was all gone. And I loved it. Then I hated it. It didn’t feel like the 2011 cut. The same woman in 2011 paled in comparison to who stood before me.

Worst. Decision. Ever. For my hair.

But I GREW from it. I learned:

When making long-term decisions, be sober.

Go through your little checklist, first.

Am I in the flesh?

What’s my motive?

What does God’s Word day about this?

What is God speaking to me?

Is this wise?

Who will be impacted if I make this choice?

How does this improve lives?

Will my conscience be clear?

Is this a selfish act?

That is my list for MAJOR decisions. Now, I don’t know if all of this really applies to hair, but it’s just a good guide.

Presently, my hair is safe and sound underneath some faux locs. It’s one of my favorite protective styles to get. My friend Chris Brookins did them this time in less than four hours. Still uncertain as to how he moves so quickly.

This is what I want to leave with you:

Be led by God. Be led by His voice. Move in His direction.

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shall go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalm 32:8

Are you seeking instruction or guidance? Drop you prayer request below and I WILL pray FOR and WITH you!


With Deep Love and Gratitude,


Feeding a Giraffe—with My Mouth

adventure, Africa, explore, love, Mental Health, Mystery, Teaching, Wellness, worldview

✨BRE🦒KFAST, anyone?✨

🦒Is there anything that freaks you out? Anything that just the thought of it makes your stomach turn? Anything that you said you’d never do? Anything that makes YOU look crazy?

😛I never thought I’d feed a giraffe with my own mouth, but I never knew I’d be given the opportunity to either. There’s a host of things we say we’ll NEVER do, but when opportunity knocks, our tune may quite possibly change.

🦒Today, DISCARD some of those NEVERS and FEED into some new MYSTERY, some new ADVENTURE—some #WILDLIFE.


😛Tag someone who needs to be shaken up this morning.

P. S. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

P. S. S. Much love to my #InstaMom @travelingblackwidow. Before I went to bed last night, I screenshot my pic my giraffe feeding for this morning’s post. I logged on this morning and I saw her post and was like 😍. Go check her out! 🦒

P. S. S. The tongue of the giraffe felt like SANDPAPER!

Anxiety, Depression, faith, family, Health, Health, wellness,, love, Mental Health, Teaching, worldview


Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening!

Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, remember this:

Worry is a NEGATIVE form of meditation. It’s like praying for the wrong thing to happen.

STOP. Redirect your thoughts toward the beauty that CAN and WILL happen. Reflect on PLEASANT memories. Refuse to RECYCLE pain.

PRESS forward and be RENEWED in your mind, daily by His Word.

You’re NOT forsaken. You’re NOT forgotten. You’re NEVER alone.

I heard The Nevels Sisters sing “I got COMPANY following me!”

Be comforted in knowing that you’re not walking this out alone. You’ve got COMPANY following you.

“Many things

about tomorrow,

I don’t seem

to understand,

but I know

Who holds my future,

and I know

Who holds my hand.”

#HeWasThereAllTheTime #HeIsWithYOU #YouAreNeverAlone

📸: @iamtryon

👘: @ladykroach

Students: What do you think of when you hear Africa?

Africa, Education, explore, faith, Teaching, travel, Uncategorized, worldview


I’m a substitute teacher. I bounce around from school to school around my district and have yet to see more than three TEACHERS who look like me. I absolutely LOVE opportunities to ask my students this question:

What do you think of when you hear Africa?

Sure, I could substitute for both Omaha Public Schools, however I was raised in Papillion-La Vista School District. When I graduated with a class of 569 students, there were approximately 15 African-Americans. I never sat in a class with a Black teacher during my entire time in the district.

Let’s get back to the question.

What do you think of when you hear Africa?

🍍I think of sick kids.

🥑Dirt roads.

🥥Poor people.


Above are actual answers from elementary school kids about a month ago.

When the little girl said, “Helpless.” I stopped and said, “I’m so glad that you said that, because there are so many lies that are being told about Africa and I want you to hear from someone who’s not on a screen and who actually visited.”

I didn’t go to Africa on a missions trip. I went on vacation. First to Egypt and then to Kenya. Pictured here I’m in Malindi, Kenya.

It’s in Kenya where my newly adopted Baba Baha told me, “Tell them we have ice cream over here.” He said that as we stood there eating some. We laughed so hard!

It was in Nairobi where I (confession) smuggled avocados back to Saudi Arabia because they were massive and I simply couldn’t go back without them. I took two.

It was in Kenya where I went to the Del Monte pineapple farm and stared at the unending rows and rows of pineapples.

It was in Kenya where I sat at the beach in Mombasa and drank fresh coconut water from a man who picked and pierced the coconut just for me.

So when I ask, “What do you think of when you hear Africa?” and then I hear statements like the ones aforementioned, my eyes light up! I realize: This is a teaching moment.

I do a test. I show them a picture and ask them where is this? It’s usually a picture of a dirt road or slum.

They almost always say, “Africa.”

I reply, “It’s Nebraska.”

I do it with a vibrant picture or setting and they reply, “Europe or Australia!”

I tell them, “Actually, it’s in Africa!”


I pull out the photos of me in Kenya and the children’s jaws are ALWAYS on the ground.

It’s true, there are desolate places everywhere. I just have this holy conviction of telling new stories. The dirt road, shoeless kid narrative rings in our ears constantly.

Who will tell them of the golf courses in between Malinda and Mombasa?

Who will talk about the multi-millionaires and billionaires in African countries?

Who will tell them about the rich resources that can ONLY be found in heaps and bounds in African countries?

Who will tell them about M-Pesa and other brilliant mobile-tech ideas from African geniuses?

Who will show them Kenyan shillings with leaders on the currency who are even darker than me?

Who will show them the scarf that I bought and wore on the beach in Malindi that I later wore at the National Museum of African American History and Culture?

If you want to leave it to a substitute teacher to disseminate the information, I don’t mind. But I’m so glad to know that others are convicted about telling NEW stories too.

I’m not alone. Neither are you. If you went to an African country on vacation, please drop your memories in the comments.

I love hearing NEW stories.

Ciao for now!

Karissa Denae

P. S. I met a man in Kenya named Karisa. Apparently it’s a name for a boy. Guess what it means?! SHEPHERD!

P. S. S. Most of these photos were captured by Evans Maina. We attended the same church in Hangzhou, China. I was in China teaching English. He came to China for college. I think he was getting his Masters in Art there. For my birthday, he gave me one of his paintings that I saw in a gallery.

A Stroke THEN 7 Continents BEFORE 30 PODCAST

Anxiety, Depression, Education, explore, faith, family, Foreign Language, Health, Health, wellness,, Lesson Planning, Mental Health, music, Podcast, stroke, Teaching, travel, Uncategorized, Wellness

So here’s the deal:

I got to meet this remarkable young man who I shared a stage with at the Leadership Africa Summit this summer. Tayo Rockson invited me to speak on his podcast called “As Told By Nomads” which is not only sweeping the nation, but the entire world.

Check out the 👉🏿 podcast 👈🏿 to hear how I had a stroke and then STRUCK back.

Ciao for now!


International Day of the Girl

Anxiety, Depression, Education, explore, faith, family, Foreign Language, Health, Health, wellness,, love, Mental Health, travel, Wellness, worldview

#InternationalDayOfTheGirl, let’s talk. 💋👇🏿

#StrokeSurvivor #TBT

This year marks 11 years since life struck me with a (mild) stroke.

It also marks…

• my Jesus year (33)

• 15 years since I graduated from high school.

• 11 years since I learned to write, speak, and walk again.

• 11 years since being sexually assaulted by my former boyfriend.

• 1 year since I truly forgave him and apologized for my attempts to tarnish his name.

• 9 years since I became a licensed evangelist missionary.

• 7 years since I graduated from college—four years “late.”

• 7 years since I took my first trip abroad.

• 6 years since I moved to China.

• 4 years since I moved to Saudi Arabia to teach at the largest women’s university in the world.

• 3 years since I made it to my 7th continent, Antarctica.

• 2 years since I wrote my first book.

• 2 years since my Mom got diagnosed with cancer.

• almost 3 months since my Mom went back to Heaven.

But daily,

I’m reminded that





And guess what, girl?

You got this too.

No matter what life tosses your way,

slide on your gloves—lace or leather, and crush it with both hands.

You’re not just a survivor.

Not just a winner.

But you’re a girl.

And let me tell you,

WE have the POWER

to START and end wars,

to INFLUENCE and BIRTH nations.

to ENGINEER the most magnificent architectural masterpieces,

to TEACH and instruct with limitless intellect,

to CHANGE flat tires, diapers,

and the WORLD.

We were made well.

We were made slowly.

We were made last.

And you know what they say about the best. Yep, they’re always saved for last. 😘

But ladies, let’s be FIRST at walking together.

Let’s contend, not compete.

Let’s march together, girls. Let’s go. Let’s do. Let’s be.

#LetsGoDoBe ✌🏿❤️

“Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” #3John1v2

With Deep Love and Extreme Gratitude,

💋Karissa Denae Johnson

#BeforeAfter by Terrence Alexandre

🌟 #GloryToGod 🌟


Urban League of Nebraska Young Professional of the Year & Educator of the Year Nominations

Antarctica, Education, explore, faith, family, Foreign Language, Lesson Planning, love, music, Music Class, Teaching, worldview

Take the survey here!

🎼Can you 👏🏿 on the 2 and 4 or the 1 and 3?

🍎A teacher may not feel the fire or sparkle every day in the classroom. Yesterday, unfortunately, was one of those days for me. Music class didn’t go as perfectly as I imagined it, but there were little gems along the way.

A “challenging” student taught the class the Jason (spooky) sound and a little brown girl with glasses sat with her Mom as I prepared to leave for the day. She happened to be talking about me as I approached them to compliment her on her behavior and her funky glasses. I think it made both of our days. Sparkle!

🌟More sparkle was added when I came home and found out that I was nominated for the Urban League of Nebraska Young Professional of the Year and ULNYP Educator of the Year.

I’m wildly honored to be recognized amongst a host of movers and shakers in the Omaha Metropolitan community. Being considered for these awards ignited even more fire to #GoDoBe!

#LetsGoDoBe, party people!

To vote,

Click here!